中山醫學大學機構典藏 CSMUIR:Item 310902500/4044
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    题名: 實習醫學生暨畢業後一般醫學學員之周全性老人照護教育訓練計畫
    Comprehensive Geriatric Care Education for Senior Medical Students and PGY Trainees
    作者: 李孟智;林惠生;曹昌堯;賴德仁;顏啟華;汪正青;楊仁宏
    贡献者: 中山醫學大學:醫學研究所
    关键词: 電腦輔助;老人照護;教育訓練;實習醫學生;畢業後一般醫學學員
    computer-assisted;geriatric care;education and training;medical students in clinical years;trainees of PGY
    日期: 2010
    上传时间: 2011-07-01T04:38:54Z (UTC)
    摘要: 為因應我國人口結構快速高齡化之衝擊,教育體系應當及早規劃與實施有關?人醫?與照護之教育訓?計畫,以培養包括實際從事??照護之優質醫護保健工作人員及其教育訓?創新和週全性學習資源。中山醫學大學??醫學暨??學教育研究中心自2006?1月至2009?12月承辦教育部學門卓越計畫,針對醫學系低?級學生提供??照護學程計畫,著有卓效。然而目前國內對高?級醫學生及PGY學員之??醫學相關教育,缺乏以整體?人照護為主的一系?有系統的課程設計,傳統的授課模式,??低學生學習興趣與學習成效,因此發展一套適合國情的多元啟發式??醫學學習課程實極為迫?。國外經驗顯示,以電腦教學輔助醫護教育是很有效的方式,它被廣泛應用於各個健康科學的正規教育與繼續教育,由於具備方?性、即時性、有組織且容?操作使用的優點、再加上活潑生動的呈現方式及互動性的課程設計,?能為e世代的學生所接受。 本計畫目的主要配合?位科技,透過網?資訊平台系統,整合?人照護課程並?實於社區中;而課程內容的設計,主要針對醫學系5?7?級學生及PGY1住院醫師給予?人照護相關知?、技能的訓?,並透過實習培養專業素養與??。希望此套課程內容以及訓?方式,作為日後發展?人照護專業學位學程之?考,讓未?的?輕醫師能夠接觸完整且多元的?人照護,瞭解?人?床醫?之關鍵。本研究計畫之主要目的如下: (1) 建??人照護之多媒體e化學習平台,並發展多媒體輔助教材。 (2) 透過e化課程學習,讓學生具備?人照護之基本能?。 (3) 以中山醫學大學附設醫院、台中榮民總醫院、署?台中醫院、甘霖慈善事業基?會及弘道?人??基?會作為實習場所,藉由醫院到社區深入學習的過程,以提升學生人文素養與社區關懷。 (4) 透過?同單位之實習,將?人照護??由醫院推廣到社區。 (5) 健全「結合?人照護產業機構之?人照護」多媒體e化學習平台及實習課程,以作為發展?人照護專業學位學程之?考。 為達成以上目標,將以三?為期實施計畫,其進?期程為: 第一?:結合?人照護產業機構以?進?人照護教育課程、設計多媒體輔助教材與建?多媒體e化學習平台; 第二?:推?與評值多媒體e化輔助教材之學習成效、規劃與設計?人照護產業機構的實習課程,並設計實習護照,整合入e化學習平台; 第三?:推展實習與評值課程、舉辦師生檢討研習會,並推廣本教材於其他院校機構之實際運用。總結此三?計畫,將針對?床醫學生及畢業後一般醫學學員, 透過創新和週全性課程之學習與訓?,俾使新一代醫?提供者能具備充足?人照護之知?與技能,並期望本計畫經驗能擴展至其它學校與其它專業?科。
    To meet the challenge of the rapid aging society, it’s essential to establish a comprehensive educational and training system of geriatric care for medical communities. However, the existed curriculum or programs are rather separated or traditional than comprehensive or innovative ones. The 3-year project aims at designing and performing an innovative and systematic series of curricula of geriatric care using informatics system. The informatics system developed will provide students as well as trainees of postgraduate general medicine (PGY), with a live, timely, comprehensive and interactive way for both teaching and learning in geriatric care. Following a successful national project for excellence in geriatric care education for junior medical students, targeting on both medical students in clinical years (year 5 to 7) and trainees of postgraduate year, the project will provide learners of different levels with knowledge, skills, professionalism and ethical aspects on geriatric care through e-learning, practicum and conventional teaching. It’s our hope that the experience and results could be of reference to develop a further degree-based geriatric care program and to extend to another universities or colleges as well as hospitals or another disciplines. The purposes of this 3-year project are: (1) to establish a comprehensive website for geriatric care education and training, and to develop multi-media e-learning resources, (2) to teach geriatric care for medical students in clinical years and trainees of postgraduate year, (3) to develop a hands-on program for practicum, including practice at Chang Shang Medical University Hospital, Veterans General Hospital-Taichung, National Taichung Hospital and Nongovernmental elder care organizations for geriatric care, (4) to develop a model community-based geriatric care program, and (5) to develop a degree-based geriatric care program on university. The works of this three-year project include: First-year project: to develop a comprehensive website and computer-assisted and multi-media learning resources. Second-year: to perform formative assessment of the effectives of this e-learning curriculum and to develop the clerkship and internship at varied geriatric care settings. Third-year: to perform practicum and to do summative evaluation of whole project and to organize a conference to introduce this curriculum to another medical schools, hospitals, and medicine-related educational programs. In conclusion, through this 3-year comprehensive, innovative, self-directed and computer-assisted project, both senior medical students and trainees of postgraduate year are expected to be better geriatric care providers in the future.
    URI: https://ir.csmu.edu.tw:8080/ir/handle/310902500/4044
    显示于类别:[醫學研究所] 研究計劃



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