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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://ir.csmu.edu.tw:8080/ir/handle/310902500/1174

    Title: 痛風病患飲食衛教介入成效及相關因素探討
    Intervention of diet''s behavior modification for gouty patients and correlation factors
    Authors: 白麗雯
    Contributors: 中山醫學院:醫學研究所;袁素娟
    Keywords: 痛風病患;飲食衛教介人;影響因素
    gout patients;dietary intervention;correlation factors
    Date: 1999
    Issue Date: 2010-04-14T01:59:47Z (UTC)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討痛風病患在給予全盤性的飲食衛教後,其日常生活飲食行為的改變情形、改善成效及相關影響因子。本研究樣本取樣自中部中山醫學中心痛風門診病患共116人,取樣方式為區集(block)取樣,使用結構式問卷及臨床抽血檢查方式收集資料。實驗組予以飲食衛教介入,對照組則無,並在四個月後予以追蹤成效。使用SAS for window 6.11 version統計軟體分析資料,所使用的統計方法含T-test、Chi-square及logistic regression等。研究結果發現:男性之發生率高於女性,且具三代家族遺傳史之比例偏高;飲食衛教介入對痛風病患日常生活及飲食行為改變,具正向影響(P<0.05)。飲食衛教介入對痛風病患生活品質、尿酸值及飲食行為,改善成效具顯著差異(P<0.05)。
    The current study explores the progress of gout patients given comprehensive remedial education regarding both diet and health in terms of changes to their earlier eating behavior, daily activity, effectiveness of improvement of their condition and factors which influence any changes to their well-being.The study''s subjects comprised 116 patients selected from the Chungshan Medical Center Stroke Clinic in central Taiwan. Sampling was conducted using the block method; ie a structured questionnaire was used together with (participant) clinical blood tests. The experimental group received comprehensive dietary intervention, while the control group did not. Four months subsequent to the commencement of patient education, results were tracked. We used SAS for Windows version 6.11 in order to perform statistical analysis upon the data collected, using t-tests,Chi-square analysis and logistic regression.Results of the study are as follow:the incidence of gout amongst males was greater than that for females, and the incidence was particularly high amongst those patients with a family history of the disease within the preceding three generations.In the context of health improvement, the effect of the suggested dietary intervention upon the daily life and eating behavior of gout patients was positive (p < 0.05).The effect of dietary intervention upon the quality of life, eating habits and uric acid values of gout patients revealed a significant improvement (p < 0.05). In terms of effectiveness of improvement in eating behavior, those gout patients without an occupation exhibited a more substantial improvement than those who had a profession. The degree of health improvement was greater for those patients dealing with their first incidence of gout as opposed to those experiencing a second or further episode. In terms of the effectiveness of purine absorption, improvements were greater for those individuals who did not have third-degree relatives with a history of gout than for those who did. In terms of uric acid values, patients with a high school or more advanced educational level demonstrated more effective improvement than those with a middle school or lower education. Patients without a trade showed a more substantial reduction in the frequency of attacks than did those possessing a trade.For gout patients, positive, comprehensive and ongoing health education can effectively improve their eating behaviour and the quality of their daily lives. In order to achieve an effective outcome, it is necessary to focus upon the individual characteristics corresponding to each gout patient in order to provide individualized dietary education to such patients.
    Appears in Collections:[醫學研究所] 博碩士論文

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